Your Critic is Your True Friend

A person who wants to reform himself, wants self-development and wants to save himself from stagnation, he must not be happy when he is praised. But if someone points out your mistake, then you must welcome it. Whenever you find such a person, think calmly. Try to understand him with full sincerity. Don’t react to such a person. Don’t refute his point. One who praises you is your enemy. One who gives you advice is your friend. If you discover this secret, you will be successful.

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Video Transcript

Often it happens that a person doesn’t understand his mistakes and weaknesses on his own. Discovering one's mistakes on one's own is difficult. But this is not difficult for another person who may instantly point out your mistakes. The person who gives you advice is your best companion. He is your well-wisher. The important point is that you must not be happy when people praise you, but you must welcome advice. If you get angry and offended when people criticize you, no one will advise you. People will stay away. You have to make yourself such that you don’t feel happy when praised and you must welcome advice. You must instantly accept it and think about it. This is essential. If a person gives you advice, that is without doubt best for you. But he will advise you when you behave well. Generally, people are happy when they are praised but get offended when they are criticized. This is enmity with yourself. You are becoming your enemy. A person who wants to reform himself, wants self-development and wants to save himself from stagnation, he must not be happy when he is praised. But if someone points out your mistake, then you must welcome it. Whenever you find such a person, think calmly. Try to understand him with full sincerity. Don’t react to such a person. Don’t refute his point. One who praises you is your enemy. One who gives you advice is your friend. If you discover this secret, you will be successful.

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